THE FIRE HOUSE - 4518 TROOSt ave, kansas city, mo 

10AM - 4PM 


ALL models interested in modeling in our show on Friday Dec. 11th, 2020 MUST submit this form to attend one of our casting calls and be considered for our MODEL ROSTER to be issued to each of our 7 designers for selection.

We need 125 male and female models.

All models MUST be 18+.

Women: Wear fitted jeans, a fitted black or gray t-shirt or tank top, and heels.

Men: Wear jeans and a fitted black or gray t-shirt.

Upon arrival, please check-in at the front table. Once you have been checked in and assigned a model number, you may have a seat to wait for your turn to get your measurements and head-shots taken.

**You do not need to bring your own comp card or head-shot to this casting.**

** Important safety information**

Masks MUST be worn at all times while attending the casting call, even during your runway walk. The only time you will be allowed to remove your mask is when you’re taking your head & body shots. Social distancing will also be enforced, so you may have to wait outside/in your car for a short amount of time if the venue becomes too crowded. Your temperature will also be checked upon arrival. Please do not bring a guest unless they are also casting for the show.

If you’re feeling sick or have recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please DO NOT attend this casting call. Send us an email and we can work out an alternative option for you 🖤

Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate these uncharted waters, we appreciate you all and value your safety over everything. 


THE FIRE HOUSE - 4518 TROOSt ave, kansas city, mo 

10AM - 4PM 

christianMICHEAL © Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved - - 816.309.4651